KPMG surveyed a total 4,312 UK consumers from YouGov’s panel in September, for its Media and Entertainment Barometer (release).
Here are the highlights…
— 27 percent own a smartphone. “This rose to 44 percent and 43 percent amongst the 18-24s and 25-34s respectively.”
— 35 percent have downloaded paid apps in the last year – a tenth of those had spent more than £10
— Just two percent own tablets
— “Subscribers most commonly paid for music (23 percent), online gaming (21 percent), business news/analysis (19 percent), online newspapers/magazines (19 percent) and TV (19 percent).”
— “Nine percent (of people who don’t currently subscribe to online content) indicated they would possibly become a paid subscriber (in the next 12 months).
— “Only 2 percent would be prepared to pay for unrestricted access to a website they use regularly if a paywall were introduced. 79 percent would seek similar content elsewhere. ”
— “86 percent of consumers said they preferred to consume media offline rather than online. The most popular reason was a preference to reading physical copies.”
KPMG’s media head David Elms:-
“Whilst the appetite to pay for web content is moving slowly, the pace of spending money to download content on mobile devices is moving much more quickly, particularly in the crucial 18-34 demographic.
“A key question is whether consumers, increasingly used to paying for premium content on their mobiles and tablets, will become more willing to pay for online content to their desktop – but, at the moment, it is too early to identify any discernible trends.
“Whilst the availability of tablets and smartphones is providing consumers with wider access to media, the gap between the time spent on new media and traditional activities has not narrowed over the past year. In fact, traditional media still remains more popular particularly reading books (68 percent) and watching TV (93 percent).”