Mobile Entertainment Trade Mag Shuts Print Edition

It’s testament to the times that many in the industry didn’t even know Mobile Entertainment at published a print zine.

So news the zine is closing (via FeaturesExec and Pvt. Fraser) may barely raise an eyebrow for many.

ME’s October issue, published by Hertfordshire, England-based Intent Media, is its last. Editor Tim Green wrote this summer:

“Let’s be honest, in a world in which immediacy rules, it’s becoming harder to justify the effort required to maintain a well-designed print publication. We need to go where our readers are. Today, that’s overwhelmingly online. Which is why we’ve taken the decision to close the magazine.

“Yeah, it’s a bit sad. But for the team here, it’s also a tremendous opportunity, freeing us up to commit more time and resources to web, apps and events. Ultimately, it’s all about giving you speedier and richer access to news and analysis.”

The publication is planning a web redesign with extra video and customisation.