MePlease, a startup that lets consumers opt in to receive discount offers via mobile and social media, says it’s raised £1.3 ($2.06) million in seed funding since launching in May 2009.
The service has only just secured its first national campaign partner – Pizza Express is inviting its customers to vote for their favourite new flavour idea using SMS powered by MePlease.
So MePlease seems to want to be both a facilitator of inbound customer feedback and of outbound deal messages.
We think £1.3 ($2.06) million sounds like a lot to raise over seed stage, but MePlease’s PR assures us that’s correct, and that more is coming in, presumably to support the technology required for SMS distribution.
Apparently, money has come from former eBay (NSDQ: EBAY) CFO Gary Bengier, ex AOL (NYSE: AOL) exec Lisa Gansky, Apple’s former iPod SVP Tony Fadell, leisure property expert Yaser Martini, ex Accenture exec Richard Wildman, Investec investment banking head David Currie and former Barclaycard head Roger Alexander.
The business is founded by CEO Steve Jarrett.