Video: IHT Editor On Americans Abroad And NYT’s’s Andy Plesser interviewed the Paris-based International Herald Tribune executive editor Alison Smale, who speaks about the IHT’s enduring mission and about the takeover of its website by its parent, The New York Times (NYSE: NYT), last year (our coverage)…

Smale: “Technology can do almost anything, but one of the things that technology couldn’t do was make the IHT website – which, I might say, was started before in the 90s – they couldn’t talk to each other in a technical way that made it seamless to put IHT in a way that you could get to New York Times in an integrated fashion. The only way to do that was to integrate it in New York.

“The production side of our website moved to New York, but that doesn’t mean to say we’re not involved in producing our own video.”