— Guardian figs: The paper says its £2.39 iPhone app has been bought 156,000 times since launching in December. That’s a total £372,840 in six months, before Apple’s commission. Also, 149,000 downloads for its free, sponsored Eyewitness photojournalism app on iPad.
— Telegraph figs: The paper says it got 100,000 downloads in one week alone for its World Cup iPhone app (pictured), which collate news and reports, plus scores, fixtures, results, pics and galleries. It also has live commentary, stats and player movements, plus push notifications and, soon, user voting.
— SkyBet: The bookies is syndicating live odds from its Mobile Sportsbook out to editorial copy on third party mobile apps. Odds which appear will relate to content on the app screen. It’s provided by Ad2Bet.
— ITV (LSE: ITV) Player: The broadcaster is planning an app for its catch-up VOD service, Telegraph.co.uk’s anonymous sources say.