Daily Express Shows Off Its iPad App

Coming soon to an iPad near you – news stories about asylum seekers and The People’s Princess. The Daily Express is amongst the first UK consumer newspapers to confirm an app for the tablet.

— News story text reproduced from the Express.co.uk site is free after a one-off £1.79 download fee.

— Built-in access to digital-edition replicas requires a paid subscription.

App vendor PageSuite has given the Express something slightly different from the standard page-turner replica, bundling in the free web content in user-definable section areas. But the availability of the same, and more, content for free doesn’t necessarily mean a shot at big-money sales of the subscriptions.

The app also includes music playback from the iPad’s iTunes library.

PageSuite also made iPhone apps for Metro and Kent News, plus digital replicas for some newspapers and magazines. The Guardian also has an iPad app in the works.