iPad Round-Up: Mag+, VoIP, Last.fm And Other Apps

Apple’s wonder-tablet may not sell on these shores for another few weeks, but word reached us over the weekend from a several Brit publisher and developers keen on their new iPad apps…

Popular Science: Remember BERG’s Mag+ mock-up for Swedish publisher Bonnier? It’s no longer on the drawing board.

Shazam: The music-identifying software has amassed 50 million users on mobile phones, but is an unlikely candidate for the tablet. Biggest new feature: the app opens to a chart of tagged songs.

Truphone: Another app that originated on mobile, the VoIP service “turns the tablet-sized device into a mobile phone”. You’re gonna look pretty silly holding an iPad to your ear – less illy with earphones?

Last.fm: Parent CBS’ Radio.com iPad app includes scrobbling to Last.fm, which also powers artist recommendations inside the service.

Guardian Eyewitness: Eschewing its iPhone news app’s £2.39 charge, this app showcasing its centre-spread photojournalism is free, sponsored by Canon. Video demo.

TweetDeck: Iain Dodsworth’s Twitter app looks a lot more comfortable on the tablet screen than it does on iPhone. But users, noting early problems, rate it 3/5.

FT video: The paper is working on a HTML5 method for publishing video on the tablet, which so far lacks Flash. A native H.264 method is first up. Via Beet.tv.

Consumer sentiment: Four in 10 consumers say they would be prepared to ditch their laptop for an iPad, says a survey of 950 people by Kelkoo Opinion Panel. No surprise – 29 percent of Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) fans said they want one.