Here’s the first of what will be several 10-second ad spots for new VOD website SeeSaw. This ad will run on Channel 4 today, followed by ITV (LSE: ITV), Five, other channels and “high-traffic” websites…
The Arqiva-owned free service says it’s targeting “adult ABC1s” with the campaign, which will run until a second phase to mark the planned launch of pay-for content in Q2. This first video is meant to highlight SeeSaw’s drama programming.
SeeSaw has shows from C4, Five, old shows from BBCWW and is doing deals with indie producers. Its name, inherited from the prohibited Kangaroo, is brilliant – but the service will only succeed, amid growing VOD aggregation competition, with a combination of more content and an effective brand campaign.
This one’s devised by Fallon, the agency that brought you Cadbury’s drumming Gorilla. Read my recent review at SeeSaw’s launch.