When the virtually wound-down Joost confirmed to us late last week that former CEO Mike Volpi has also exited as chairman, it didn’t tell us that owners had forced him out of the role. Now, in a statement via WSJ and elsewhere, it says: “Mr. Volpi was removed from the board of directors and from his position as chairman of Joost by shareholder vote. The company and its board of directors is conducting an investigation into Mr. Volpi’s actions during his tenure as CEO and as chairman.”
Joost has not yet responded to our latest questions nor has Volpi, who last week confirmed his departure via email but said any other questions would have to go to the company. What exactly is going on? That’s unclear. But the shifting jigsaw puzzle of the relationship between Skype, Joost and eBay (NSDQ: EBAY) and the latter two’s inventors may hold the key.
— After founding P2P filesharer KaZaA then selling it to Sharman Networks in 2002, Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis went on to start Jersey, England-based Joltid, a company at which to develop P2P technologies for distributed storage and communication. Zennstrom and Friis picked Joltid