— News International: A few months after stepping aside as News International’s digital development director, Mike Anderson is leaving to become a consultant. Anderson used to be MD of The Sun and NOTW, took the digital role in 2007, but took leave of absence earlier this year, after which he returned to head special projects. Via MediaWeek.
— Blyk: The mobile ad company’s business development and strategy head Timo Ahopelto is upping sticks to join a new Finnish startup accelerate, Lifeline Ventures. Via ArcticStartup.
— INQ Mobile: Mobile magazine managing editor Soheb Panja is leaving to join Hutchison Whampoa’s social handset firm INQ Mobile. Panja tells us he will be working on communications and strategy. James Atkinson will replace him.
— FT.com: Senior reporter Jeremy Grant has become editor of a new online section, FT Trading Room, which collects news and analysis on equities and derivatives trading along with an online community including chat room for traders.