Following our recent coverage, controversial voice-to-text firm SpinVox, which has $200 million funding, has today come under the BBC’s scrutiny for sending voicemails for transcription to contractors in far-flung countries. That’s one of the threads that emerged on these pages – but it’s only one of SpinVox’s concerns, after the company invited staff to swap salary for equity and responded to claims of unpaid wages and expenses. Here are our stories (don’t ignore the comments)…
— Jul 2: Interview: Daniel Doulton, Co-Founder, Spinvox: Carrier Plans May Need Further Funding
— Jul 13: SpinVox Paying Staff In Stock To Save On Costs
— Jul 20: Interview: Christina Domecq, CEO, Spinvox (Pt 1): Managing Through The Crunch
— Jul 22: Interview: Christina Domecq, CEO, Spinvox (Pt 2): Cashflow-Positive In 90 Days