Interview: PRS For Music’s Online MD Andrew Shaw On The YouTube Spat

imagePRS For Music could this summer reduce the rates online services must pay it — but the UK royalty collector isn’t convinced sites can make enough from advertising to finance their outgoings…

When YouTube went public with its PRS rates spat this month, several online services told us the royalty collector could earn more overall for artists by reducing the amount charged per-track. With the current online license due to expire on June 30, Andrew Shaw, PRS’ broadcast and online MD who coordinates the fees, told paidContent:UK “If that (overall growth) happens, then, yes, reducing the fee might be an appropriate way forward. But one of the big questions the whole industry is asking at the moment is around the sustainability of advertising-subsidised models. Internet advertising has slowed and we’re not going to see double-digit growth.” Full interview, including details on negotiations with YouTube, on paidContentUK