Econsultancy Opening In US, Hires ClickZ VP Lieb To Start NY Office

imageOnline marketing research and training org Econsultancy is targeting the US by opening up a New York office, after hiring ex ClickZ network VP and editor-in-chief Rebecca Lieb to coordinate the rollout. Now in its tenth year, London-based Econsultancy publishes reports, runs courses and publishes a news blog on the internet marketing space. CEO Ashley Friedlein, the release, said there was demand in the US. Initially a journalist, Lieb has also held marketing and comms roles for companies like Siegel & Gale. In an interview with Econsultancy itself, Lieb said she will be a “foreign ambassador” for the site, which got a redesign recently at a cost, the company says, of $500,000. Budgets are being squeezed right now for many of the online marketers that are Econsultancy’s core crowd, but Lieb reckons there’s value in helping them achieve ROI.

Disclosure: I used to write for Econsultancy.