Coming Soon: Wikipedia, The Book; Community Will Get Five Percent Of Sales

It’s the Wikipedia you’ll need Tipp-ex and a pen to edit. German publisher Bertelsmann says it will publish the first ever book based on entries from the online encyclopedia. Due September, the dead-tree tome will include summaries for the top 50,000 search terms of the last two years. There are all kinds of talking points here. 1) Wikipedia relies on its ability to instantly amend an article but, in print, that’s not possible so Bertelsmann will likely be keen to check the facts. 2) It marks the true arrival of Wikipedia in the space formerly occupied by the likes of Encyclopedia Brittanica, and takes its collected knowledge to those who may not have the internet. 3) The IP on such a project could be a nightmare… do contributors have a right to be reimbursed for their authorship? If so, how much? Priced 19.95 euros (£15.99, $31.85), just one euro will go to the Wikimedia Foundation in Germany. Via AFP.