Broadband Content Bits: Virgin 50 Mbps, Kangaroo Ads, Velocix P2P

Virgin 50 Mbps: Nine million VMED customers will have access to 50 Mbps cable this year, the company said, considering best methods for rollout: “Unlike big routed networks, we do not have an any-to-any routing problem but an awful lot of content trying to go one way to the customer at the edge, so we could look at fast optical pipes that go straight through the network [from a CDN] to the edge.” Via Connected Home News.

Kangaroo ads: The forthcoming commercial web TV venture from ITV (LSE: ITV), Channel 4 and BBC Worldwide will include display ads, pre-roll ads and centre-break ads. Ads will be targeted, but only after a second-phase deployment, rather than at the planned August launch. Via MediaWeek.

Velocix P2P: Content delivery network Velocix is releasing a new platform aimed at delivery of live video and audio events. The eponymous Velocix Live Streaming suite employs so-called “hybrid P2P” technology, whereby delivery of Flash and WMV video is assisted by peer recipients as well as Velocix’s own network.