Four months after it launched, ITV (LSE: ITV) is to put some of its shows on Bebo’s Open Media platform. In fact, only shows from its ITV2 channel, which has a younger target audience, will make it on-site – first is US teen drama Gossip Girl, to be followed by comedy Keith Lemon, The Graun says. ITV broadband MD Annelies Van Den Belt, who will be appearing on our Exploding Video panel this week: “This is a targeted move to promote specific ITV2 shows to the Bebo audience whilst ultimately driving traffic to to watch more and proves true 360 commissioning.” ITV has previously used MySpace and Facebook in the quest to build audience relationships. It’s just started climbing the hill toward trebling its online revenue to £150 million by 2010 – a strategy that involves syndicating content off-site. It’s also pushing clips to MSN Video.