Music Video Platform Musicbrigade Goes In To Administration

Stockholm-based music video site Musicbrigade has folded, taking Channel 4’s music video content with it. Founded in 1999, Musicbrigade had repertoire from the four major labels and others and white-label deals including that with the broadcaster. Signed in June 2007, the partnership gave users access to thousands of videos plus rudimentary abilities to rate videos, make playlists, share with friends and download full tracks.

The model must have become a tough proposition thanks to labels using larger portals like YouTube through which to push their videos – portals that publishers can tap in to for free. A message at the site reads: “We apologize for any inconvenience and we also would like to thank our loyal and devoted members for their love and support throughout the years.” Musicbrigade is inviting bidders for its domain names, servers and software. Provider Venture Partners got a 28 percent stake in the company after giving it $4 million in VC funds in 2006.

Channel 4 told us: “Music Brigade, the provider of C4’s online music video streams (accessible via and, has gone into administration. The service will continue for the short term and C4 is evaluating its options for continuing an online music service.” It’s continuing to add music and music videos via direct relationships with labels.