First Three-Strikes P2P Effort ‘Breaks Down’; Content Makers Sign Child Code

The Register found out that Tiscali had already agreed to implement a three-strikes-and-you’re-out policy to kick off illegal P2P users last year – but the agreement already looks close to collapse. The UK government is believed ready to bow to music business demands to ape a similar French policy that compels ISPs to monitor and act against customers who indulge in illegal music and movie files.

Tiscali told the Reg it adopted the template with the BPI last October, but the BPI said the ISP “is trying to force us to pay a substantial levy to enforce its own terms and conditions”; “it’s disappointing if Tiscali sees illegal behaviour on its network as a further opportunity to make money at the expense of the music community”.

In essence, ISPs will be keen to attract extra resources if they are to implement network-wide monitoring and filtering technology, as well as the backroom resource to engage with naughty customers. Register: “The ISP Association said its members want money to indemnify them against court cases.”

Children: Meanwhile, Bebo, AOL (NYSE: TWX) and Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) are amongst the signatories to a new statement of principles governing online audio and video content. Drawn up by the Broadband Stakeholder Group (an arms-length government adviser), the document says producers will help protect youngsters from harmful content by providing information when material includes sex, violence, strong language, upsetting themes or flashing images. But it’s not so much a tough code of conduct and acknowledges “providers (will) establish their own editorial policies to reflect their brand values” rather than have rules thrust upon them. More at Audiovisual Content Information.