Sony: PS3/PSP Music, Video Platform Coming; Seeking UK TV Carriage

Sony (NYSE: SNE) CEO Howard Stringer in Moscow told the company was building “a platform around a common software architecture” to video and audio to PS3 and PSP over its PlayStation Network. There’s no timescale and “we won’t know how effective [the effort] is until early next year”. By which time, Sony could have lost further ground to Xbox 360’s on-demand video and TV ambitions. Meanwhile, Sony Pictures Television International (SPTI) is planning to launch AXN (action-adventure), Animax (animé) and SET, three of its linear TV channels on UK VoD platforms, MediaWeek reports. No details of which platforms (for VoD, you’re mainly talking Virgin Media) and SPTI is also looking at getting Freeview carriage, but, realistically, that’s less to happen.