Apple, Record Labels Each Deny Culpability For EC Price Differentials

Update: Steve Jobs said at the iPhone Germany launch: “We think prices should be the same. We think anybody in Europe should buy off any store.” Reuters: “According to a person in the (Brussels hearing) on Wednesday, a representative of Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) said there was nothing in its contract with Universal obliging it to operate national stores or to set a higher price in countries such as Britain. Apple, according to the observer, said it had made unilateral decisions, in part because doing business in Europe turned out to be more complex than in the United States.”

Original post: Apple joins Universal Music and Sony (NYSE: SNE)BMG in Brussels to defend its iTunes Store pricing policy today – and it’s not skimping on the defence. Eddy Cue, Apple’s global president of iTunes, will be present, The Times reports, and Apple’s even talking to the press. “Unfortunately, the music and publishing companies said they couldn