Broadband Content Bits: Lonelygirl15 Dead; Playstation PVR; Fremantle; TBS Hot Corner

Lonelygirl15: Loneygirl15 is dead, long live her replacement. What started as a 15-year-old girl’s video diary but became the epitome of online interactive reality video drama ended grimly on Friday when protagonist Bree, who most people had thought to be a real girl until actress Jessica Lee Rose was outed last summer, sacrificed herself to a shadowy cult known as The Order (see WaPo’s obiutuary). Lonelygirl15’s 12-part season one closer was shown “exclusively” on MySpaceTV (though hosted on YouTube and syndicated to, which will also become a distributor for the second season (Bree may be dead, but The Order is seeking more girls with her same blood type). Meanwhile, Telegraph Ave Productions’ empire building continues – Lonelygirl15’s British spin-off, began on Bebo last month, KateModern, is now in full flow. (Via AP).

Playstation: Digital terrestrial television, plus VOD features, will be available on Playstation 3 in Europe next year, the company said. Sony Computer Entertainment’s New Zealand marketing head: “We’re … hoping next year