The Freeview digital terrestrial platform has now overtaken BSkyB‘s digital satellite service as the main platform on British TV sets, according to media regulator Ofcom. Its Digital Television Progress Report for Q1 found Freeview is on the main set in 8.4 million homes (up from 7.7 million), overtaking BSkyB’s 8 million Q1 subscriber base. Overall, digital TV take-up is 80.5 percent, up from 77.2 percent. This shows continued consumer attraction to the cheap, low-risk, no-subscription form offered by the Freeview consortium — which actually includes BSkyB — ahead of analog’s switch-off next year.
Side note: until hybrid IPTV Freeview boxes roll out in earnest, Freeview has no return path; meanwhile, this news might give BSkyB ammunition against current competition inquiries it’s facing. (Release).