New UK MVNO Noodle Claims Seamless VoIP/GSM Switching, Cash-Back

A new mobile virtual network operator is launching in the UK, claiming to offer seamless VoIP/GSM call switching. Available from Tuesday, Noodle runs on wholesale white-label SIM cards provided by the T-Mobile network. A spokesperson told MocoNews sophisticated switching technology would mean that, when a subscriber uses a WiFi-enabled handset in range of a hotspot, a call could be freely made over the wireless network merely by dialing as usual – the Noodle center would re-route the call over the hotspot automatically. That would mean customers wanting to take advantage of free internet calls would not need to download software clients like Skype or Fring.

Noodle’s basic monthly tariff will be GBP 4.95 ($10) and customers can get up to three pence per minute cash-back for calls they receive. That offering, called Noodle Oodles, is also being made available to subscribers of any UK network, as an enticement over to the full MVNO service. The whole thing will use online billing and account management and will target independent retailers.