Apple UK site slip-up sets tongues wagging

A product listing that appeared and was hastily removed from Apple’s UK website has whet observers’ appetites for a forthcoming hike in processor speeds.

Searches for Mac Pro machines on the Apple Store on Monday revealed a listing stating: “Now quad-core or 8-core processing power”.

To date, Apple’s machines use chipsets only as powerful as quad-core (two dual-core chips) and the text was quickly deleted.

But that has not stopped speculation in the blogosphere on whether its appearance was a web editor’s mistake or a slip-up that portends the release of a super-fast new productivity workhorse.

Some Apple watchers are expecting new products, possibly including the company’s new Leopard incarnation of its OS X operating system, to be unveiled
during an Apple event at the National Association of Broadcasters US trade show on April 15.

Apple has previously used the show to unveil Final Cut Studio and Soundtrack Pro – just the kind of processor-hungry media industry products that could benefit from a machine like the Mac Pro.